Proud Coachella Valley Business
Mustache $15
Ears $15
Beard $35
Neck $30
Face exfoliation $45
Eyebrow cleanup $20
Underarms $30
Stomach $40
Chest $40
Full legs $110 half $60
Toes $15
Full arm $65 /half arm $ 40
Full back $70
Nose $10
Hair needs to be the lenght of a grain of rice or 5mm
The more you use sugaring the thinner and less amount of hair will regrow.
**10 years of experience Certified sugarist. Comfortable and professional setting. Located in the plaza across the street from Dmv in indio on Jackson st, Suite #6
Comfortable & professional setting office in the heart of Indio.
✨️✨️ By appointment only✨️✨️
Open Monday- Saturday 10 am-5pm
Open 2 sundays out of the month
Se habla español
Estoy localizada en la plaza al cruzar el DMV de indio por la calle Jackson. Oficina con un hambiente profesional y comodo en el corazon de Indio.
44349 jackson st suite 6 indio ca 92201
Para hacer una cita, llama o textea al numero 760 449-4034.
***For a faster and cleaner hair removal you can trim a bit off your hair lenght.***
Hair needs to be at least 1/4" long, or the lenght of a grain of rice. If the hair is too short it might not adhere to the sugar, medicate only if you must 20 minutes before (ibuprofen). Wear loose comfortable clothing.
For the next 24 hours after your sugaring appointment, do not use sauna, or activities where you can sweat, your follicle is still open and expose.
Reduce inflammation in the body, sleep better, have a better mood to tackle the day feeling physically and mentally better.
Its been proven by scientific evidence that sound healing frequencies can treat many different ailments from anxiety, depression, inflammation, odd sleep patterns, chronic pain and beyond. Even the material of the clothes we wear influence our world.
There are ways to mitigate life stressors. You can try the InfraMat Pro heat gemstone therapy Mat FDA approved. It’s the most soft and flexible mat of its series up to date. With far infrared, hot stone & negative ions. It will make you sweat just likenon a sauna. Made of mostly 85% crushed natural amethyst, jade & tourmaline that when heated helps reduce inflammation & helps your immune system to be more tolerant. In the mornings you will feel the difference in your joints and less aches and pains. The vibration of the solfeggio tunning forks music eases the mind from overthinking and back to balance and harmony with sound canceling noise headphones. The grounding wrap made of silver fabric normalizes muscular tension, cortisol levels & releases the negative ions out of your body.
All together make this 3 tools a remarkable healing therapy.
1 hour and 6 minutes session. $88.00
Set up your appointment by calling or texting 760 449-4034.
Tienes inflamación en el cuerpo? problemas para dormir? dolores musculares? cuerpo cansado? y te gustaria beneficiar a tu cuerpo al conectarte a la tierra (grounding).
La terapia de inflamación es intensa, el colchon aprovado por la FDA pesa 20 libras y esta compuesto de 3 diferentes piedras, la terapia dura entre 45 minutos a 1 hora y 6 minutos, es muy caliente, preparate para sudar. Te conectare a la energia de la tierra por medio de una tela especializada para transferir esa energia a tu cuerpo. Las 9 tonalidades de solfeggio tocaran en audifonos con reducción de sonido externo para ayudarte a fluir mentalmente cualquier problema de ansiedad, depression y temas que no te ayudan a avanzar.
Estoy localizada en la plaza al cruzar el DMV de indio por la calle Jackson.
🪬 sesion de 1 hora 6 minutos $88 🪬
✨️Abierto de lunes- viernes 10 am-5pm✨️
✨️Abierto 2 domingos del mes✨️
Llama o textea al 760 449-4034 para agendar tu cita.
From aromatherapy, scalp circulation massage with reflexology tools including your feet and ears.
The quantum massage combines different techniques, all bodies have different necessities, aches and pains, The drainage of the upper lymphatic system and volcanic stones are included in the massage.
Eucalyptus oil with chamomile for sore muscles, ylang ylang for mood boosting, lavander for calming the nervous system, are some of the oils used all are non comedogenic formulas. Arnica, herbal tintures and magnesium spray are implemented when necessary.
🪷 My teacher was hindu and his teachings are very unique 🪷.
🪬 80 min session $111. 🪬
🪬50 min session $80
Located in the plaza across the street from the DMV on jackson street, suite #6.
Comfortable & professional setting office in the heart of Indio.
✨️✨️ By appointment only✨️✨️
Open Monday - Saturday 10 am-5 pm
Open some Sundays
Set up your appointment by calling or texting 760 449-4034 Gabriela.
El masaje cuántico combina diferentes técnicas. Desde aromaterapia, masaje de circulación del cuero cabelludo con herramientas de reflexología incluyendo los pies y orejas. Tus puntos meridianos y puntos de presión se incorporan al masaje al igual que el drenaje del sistema linfático superior. Todos los cuerpos tienen diferentes necesidades y dolencias a lo que combino diferentes técnicas ppara que cada cuerpo quede en óptimas condiciones. Los aceites formulados para los musculos son el aceite de eucalipto, el de ylang ylang para promover la alergia, lavanda para calmar el sistema nervioso, el de vainilla con olor neutro, entre otros son utilizados para calmar los músculos adoloridos y todos son fórmulas no comedogénicos. Magnesio en spray, arnica y tinturas de hierbas también pueden ser utilizadas e implementadas durante el masaje para aliviar dolores.
🌿🌿Mi maestro era hindú y sus enseñanzas son muy singulares. 🌿🌿
✨️✨️sesion de 80 min $111✨️✨️
✨️✨️Sesion de 50 min $80✨️✨️
Estoy localizada en la plaza al cruzar el DMV de indio por la calle Jackson.
✨️Abierto de lunes- viernes 10am-5pm✨️
✨️Abierto 2 domingos del mes✨️
Llama o textea al 760 449-4034 para agendar tu cita.
Quantum Energy Healer.
Sound therapist.
Access bars Practitioner
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